
Resonant Riding

This training initiative is built on a relationship between Carrie and Lala Benson. Both have a long shared history of Icelandic tradition, a passion for classical dressage training, and never ending interest in flow theory and the creative process. Together they combine these ideas into the unique training methodology of Resonant Riding.

  • Online Educational Resources

  • In person clinics

  • Presentations at expos

  • The No Stirrup November Competition

knights of iceland

From the mystical land of Fire and Ice, The Knights of Iceland have been electrifying audiences with their bold Icelandic horses across North America and Iceland for over 20 years. The performances consist of dramatic routines set to music that will carry you away into the world of Iceland and Norse Mythology. The Knights of Iceland consists of 3 partners: Gudmar, Laura (Lala) and Carrie. Gudmar was the original founder of The Knights and now the 3 work together as a team to bring together this dynamic show. Even though Gudmar is in Iceland, Carrie in Kentucky and Laura in Washington state, the Knights of Iceland gives the partners a unique opportunity to promote the Icelandic Horse as a team and come together on a regular basis to perform, share ideas, and of course have a great time! 

Local affiliates

Here at Taktur we have always believed in supporting community growth! We always encourage our students as they develop their own enterprises within the Icelandic horse world. Locally in KY we work with Mackenzie Durben at Salmur Equestrian Arts and Maria Octavo at Thorlak Icelandics. Our goal is to build a local network of Icelandic horse services and community events! Check out their businesses below: